There’s nothing small about Biggie except his size. The moment I saw him, I knew he was perfect: a tiny little scruffmuffin with a big personality and the most adorable snaggletoothed underbite I’ve ever seen! 😍 He came bounding over, full of energy, greeting me with his wiggly, all-in enthusiasm, eager for his time in the spotlight.
For this session, I decided to step away from my usual hyper-realistic, in-your-face dog portraits to bring to life an image that’s been floating in my mind for years - a dog being whisked away by balloons, like in Pixar’s Up. Biggie was the perfect star, striking several poses for me to choose from when I pieced everything together in post-processing. We shot a few frames with his mom lifting him so I could get the "dangle" of his legs just right, but for most of the session, Biggie was securely grounded, happily engaging with me and exploring his surroundings.
“Up, Up, & Away”

The levitation image is comprised of six images and a sky augmentation, the behind the scenes (BTS) look of how I created it:

While I love experimenting and trying new things, I also know it’s okay not to love everything. Now this - this next image - captures Biggie so perfectly! You can really feel how BIG his personality is and see his adventurous spirit shining through. 🤩

Biggie’s mom loved the image so much, we created this larger-than-life metal wall art for her! I can hardly wait to see the real life Biggie standing next to it! 😍

More about Biggie, straight from his mom:
On his favorite toy: “Biggie’s favorite toy is a stuffed silverback gorilla that’s as big as he is. He found it in a free bin on one of our walks and would not leave it. Whenever he wants to play or show off, he brings his gorilla over and tries to get someone (anyone really) to play tug or throw it for him. He’s very vocal so he makes these noises that are somewhere in between a growl and a purr.”
About the session: “I was nervous about how Biggie would do at the photo shoot but I think he was a trooper (how can he not be when Ginger is there to encourage him). He did way better than I did 😝! It was such a fun experience and Ginger captured the most lovable expressions my dog makes!”
Additional (unedited) images from the session:

Ginger Wick Photography is an award winning dog photographer specializing in creating beautiful custom artwork of dogs & their people. Based in Parker, CO serving the Denver area.
Love love love!!!!!