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Dog Mode

Ginger Wick

This week, I wanted to shine a spotlight on a technological advancement that has significantly enhanced the lives of our furry companions. Of course, I was on the hunt for something visually captivating to feature, so microchips and x-ray machines were out. 🤣 Typically, when I think of dog-friendly travel, Subaru comes to mind as the market leader, but Tesla has taken it to the next level with their ingenious innovation called "Dog Mode".

Because I don’t personally know any Tesla owners (I don’t think! 🤪), I reached out to my car-enthusiast son for a connection. While he didn't have any Tesla-owning pals, he did introduce me to a friend who owns a Rivian – another electric vehicle equipped with the amazing Dog Mode feature. Bingo! We rendezvoused at a local park, where I set about the task of capturing mini-aussies Ramona and Angus enjoying the comfort of Dog Mode. It was quite the challenge! 😅 Despite our 6 pm start time, the sun was still blazing outside, while the car's interior remained dim. Attempts to use a strobe inside the vehicle proved futile, as it would interfere with the display screen. Mid-session, we even had to readjust the car's position and experiment with various angles to achieve the optimal shot, all the while discovering quirks like Dog Mode disengaging when a car door is opened or when someone occupies the driver's seat. Talk about a learning curve! In the end, I found myself perched in the backseat, relying on natural light, and blending three frames together to overcome the lighting disparities. Phew!

“Dog Mode”

Miniature Aussie in the front seat of a Rivian enjoying the comfort of Dog Mode

The behind the scenes (BTS) look of how I created it:

Behind the Scenes (BTS) of a dog photography session inside a Rivian Parker, Colorado

After I conquering the Dog Mode images, the REAL fun began!  the interior car images that’s when the REAL fun happened. We meandered through the park and the dogs perched on sun drenched exposed tree roots, posed on a neutral bridge, and lounged on my mini-chaise.

Additional (unedited) images from the session:

Filmstrip of (unedited) mini-aussie images in Parker, Colorado

Ginger Wick Photography is an award winning dog photographer specializing in creating beautiful custom artwork of dogs & their people. Based in Parker, CO serving the Denver area.





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