This week’s photography task: a portrait. That’s my standard fare, so I felt the need to go a little rogue, LOL. I waited until Sunday morning to go on my photography adventure as I was finally able to attend my first Farmer’s Market of the season. (We’ve been camping all the other weekends!) I intended to make street-type portraits of the lucky dogs that accompany their owners on the local shopping outing. Right out of the gate I was visually accosted by a pack of huskies – three puppies and two adults, and it was INSANELY cute to see them all together! GAH – seriously SO adorable! 😍 After I snapped more than my fair share of frames of them, I proceeded to walk the market looking for other opportunities. I didn’t get very far before I noticed a cute little Frenchie hanging by his owner who was engaged in conversation with someone else. I couldn’t hear the dialog, but based on the snippets and tone I inferred they were not acquainted. The “stranger” then bent down and gave the Frenchie plenty of attention and ear scrubs and the pup seemed quite enamored. 🥰 THAT’S the kind of moment I’m all about! #belikethiswoman
“Portrait of a Dog Lover”:

There was so much foot traffic, it would have been careless to set up my cell phone to capture a behind the scenes (BTS) image, so I just held up my phone and snapped from a high vantage point at various times throughout my walk hoping one of them would work well enough. And yes, I had to be quick and photograph between moving legs. LOL.

Here's a sampling of some of the other portraits I captured. The link to the full gallery is at the bottom of this page.

See what I mean??? Simply darling. I'll take two please!!

A vendor’s dog cuddled up with her feet.

So attentive! 👀
Street photography is not my norm, but I love capturing dogs about town and their genuine happiness and curiosity at being included. If you were at the Market (or if you're just curious!) here's the link to the full gallery. You'll be prompted to enter your email address and then the images are free to download – enjoy!
Ginger Wick Photography is an award winning dog photographer specializing in creating beautiful custom artwork of dogs & their people. Based in Parker, CO serving the Denver area.